You have a new baby…you’re exhausted & likely recovering, but falling in-love every second with your new little bundle of joy. You want photos to document this time, but someone coming to your home right now sounds a little nuts right? My aim is to make an in-home session feel like an afternoon with an old friend – relaxing (and I really hope that I get to snuggle your baby for a few minutes in between taking some magical shots!). So, let me set your mind at ease with these 5 tips for a fun and relaxing in-home newborn session!
Don’t worry about the mess
We will likely just be doing the session in 1-2 rooms sooo… just clean up those rooms. I don’t care if your kitchen has dishes left in the sink, or toys aren’t picked up, or if you just shoved things aside to make it “look” clean. Messy houses, are lived in houses. Also, trust that I will move things around if needed, and help you to put them back. Finally, put away anything with wires – unplug cellphone chargers, monitors etc and put them aside for the duration of the session.
Consider the light
Normally in-home session take place in the nursery, bedroom and/or living room. Take stock of the rooms with the best light – bigger windows are better.
Pick comfortable outfits
Mommas – wear what makes you feel beautiful and comfortable – and expect a clothing/swaddle change for baby (spit-up happens!). I recommend something soft and flowing for birth moms, and neutrals for your partner. I also recommend a simple neutral solid color onesie for baby along with a few swaddles/headbands/hats to mix it up.
Take care of baby
Feed your baby 20-30 minutes before your session and change baby right before we start. This will help your baby to be more happy and relaxed! And, feel free to feed throughout the session as you see fit. Happy baby = happy momma and papa!
Ask questions!
This session is for you, and my goal is to make you feel beautiful, loved and happy! If you want a certain shot or want to incorporate props etc. I am here for you!

Are you ready for a relaxing in-home newborn session? Let’s book your session today!