Tips for Planning Your Newborn Photo Outfits

January 4, 2024

Emily Woodall

You’ve just welcomed your little bundle of joy, and the excitement is palpable! Amidst all the preparations, a common question emerges: “What should we wear for our newborn photo session?” Fear not, dear parents! As you might know, my top priority is ensuring you feel relaxed and comfortable during our sessions. So let’s dive in on my top five tips for selecting the perfect newborn photo outfits.

Embracing the Beauty of Postpartum: Comfort is Key

The postpartum journey is a whirlwind of emotions and transformations. Rest assured, this is a season to be celebrated! My goal is that you feel as radiant and joyful as the love you share with your newborn. For that reason, I recommend choosing outfits that embrace your postpartum glow and honor the incredible journey your body has embarked upon. No need to buy a new dress or outfit that is uncomfortable, or form fitting. Your body has changed and is still changing, and I want you to feel your best in clothes that fit you and make you feel beautiful! That may the be the most important thing to remember for your whole session.

The Timeless Elegance of Neutral Tones

When it comes to colors, think timeless. Neutral tones, such as soft creams, gentle grays, and pastel hues can help to create a timeless look that accentuates the moment, and doesn’t distract from your perfect new little baby. Remember, simplicity is key.

Steering Clear of Overwhelming Patterns

While patterns can add a playful touch, it’s essential to strike the right balance. As always, my advice is to keep it light and joyful. Delicate prints or subtle textures can enhance the overall aesthetic without overpowering the frame. After all, the focus is on the beautiful bond between you and your newborn.

Creating Harmony with Your Home Décor

Imagine gazing upon these precious photos displayed in your home, each image radiating warmth and joy. Consider how your chosen outfits will harmonize with your living spaces. Whether your home boasts a modern flair or a cozy ambiance, selecting outfits that complement your décor ensures a cohesive and heartfelt display of memories.

Accessories to Elevate Your Ensemble

While the spotlight is undeniably on your baby, a sprinkle of accessories can elevate your look. Think subtle touches—perhaps a dainty necklace or a pair of elegant earrings—that add a hint of sparkle without overshadowing the main event.

Let’s Chat and Collaborate

Remember, I’m here to support and guide you every step of the way. Your insights and preferences are the most important, but if you need help, just shoot me a text with your outfit ideas laid out and I will help you! Also, let’s be real…the best part about an in-home newborn session is that it is in your home! If you need help deciding on an outfit once I arrive, that is totally ok! I am here for you!

Celebrating Love, Joy, and New Beginnings

Two moms hold their newborn baby during an in-home photo session in Oakland, CA

Selecting an outfit for your newborn session is part of the fun of preparing for your newborn session. Remember, comfort is key and you will look amazing in anything that makes you feel relaxed and beautiful! The rest is up to me. We’ll create a collection of images that capture the pure happiness of this special chapter in your life.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on newborn photo outfits, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we’ll capture the joy, love, and precious moments that make your family’s story truly unique.

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